Julianne Hough’s Interesting Cleavage of the Day

Julianne Hough is some Dancing with the Stars stripper who never was – thanks to some scam that she pulled that allowed her song and dance family to go mainstream with their professional dance training instead of going into the underbelly of society and to the pole – where so many professional dancers I’ve purchased lap dances from have ended up…all theatrical in their routine, because they have a passion for their craft, but empytiness and sadness in their dead eyes, because they’ve pretty much given up… I don’t know what her backstory is, obviously she’s connected to something at some level, because there’s no logic as to why a stripper who should have been a stripper ended up on TV, and then in Movies….other than connections…or I guess sucking dick. So maybe these cleavage pics are just her paying tribute to her sexuality that made this dream come true… Who cares. Why am I wasting my time with this nonsense that should be a poo stain on my khakis in the lap dance booth. I’ll never know. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CICK HERE

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Julianne Hough’s Interesting Cleavage of the Day

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