Sophie Simmons is Gene Simmons’ daughter. She was on his TV show, where she played the not that hot Gene Simmons’ daughter. It was reality TV and the reality was that she was a little on the chubby side and disappointing considering her mom was a babe in her youth… Well I guess since the show, she’s been trying to figure out ways to get noticed, and in the last few months that has involved modelling and doing photoshoots, willing to get naked for “fashion photographers” despite not necessarily having anything to go off except maybe her name and a dad with a very loyal audience thanks to wanting anything KISS including but not limited to the daugther’s vagina…and I guess work ethic, a willingness to get in front of the camera, even topless and holding her tits for some fetish looking pics and I guess there’s nothing wrong with that…but then again, I don’t mind chubby or curvy models as much as I used to, I am open minded to all things involving half nakedness…all sizes and shapes…I am an equal opportunity pervert.
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