Jussie Smollett’s Allegedly Staged Attack Causes Mixed Emotions From Celebs & Commentators

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Source: VALERIE MACON / Getty Emotions are high following reports from the Chicago Police Department that Jussie Smollett staged his January 28 attack. Reactions from political commentators, social media users, and celebrities close to Smollett have opened up conversations about hate crimes, the trustworthiness of police and the power of the media. As we reported earlier and according to Jussie’s interview with Good Morning America last week, the Empire star says he was picking up food from Subway one night when someone called him a racist and homophobic slur. Jussie was then allegedly attacked by two masked men who poured an unknown substance on him and put a noose around his neck. The alleged incident sparked social media outrage and at first, the CPD reported that they were treating Smollett like a victim. But now, according to ABC7 , police are saying Smollett paid two Nigerian brothers $3,500 to stage his attack. The 36-year-old is now being charged with one count of felony disorderly conduct for filing a false police report. Jussie turned himself in to authorities on Thursday and if convicted, he can face up to three years in prison and substantial fines. In a press conference, Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson said Smollett staged the incident because he was “dissatisfied with his salary.” Jussie allegedly staged his attack with the Osundairo brothers — one of them was Smollett’s personal trainer while the other one was an extra on Empire. S urveillance footage shows the brothers purchasing the ski masks allegedly used in the attack, and it also shows them buying a red ball cap and gloves. Even before the alleged attack, police claim Jussie faked a letter he received on the Chicago set of Empire that included racist and homophobic statements. The letter, which was sent on January 22, is currently in the FBI crime lab for analysis. According to an ABC7 legal analyst, Jussie could also face charges for the letter if it’s proven to be a hoax, and he could possibly serve up to five years in prison. All this updated information has caused a roller coaster of emotions from people. 20th Century Fox and Fox Entertainment released a statement Thursday morning reading:  “We understand the seriousness of this matter and we respect the legal process. We are evaluating the situation and we are considering our options.” Meanwhile, some people are already labeling Smollett as guilty even before a trial has started: https://twitter.com/missnemmanuel/status/1098647071241003009 Others are already hoping he’ll see prison time if found guilty… If found guilty, Jussie Smollett should not only serve prison time, but he should also be forced to pay back every cent to the Chicago PD that was spent on his hate crime hoax. — #ThePersistence (@ScottPresler) February 21, 2019 Then, of course, people like Trump used Jussie’s case as another excuse to defend MAGA minions. . @JussieSmollett – what about MAGA and the tens of millions of people you insulted with your racist and dangerous comments!? #MAGA — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 21, 2019   But despite how bleak everything seems, there are still people supporting Jussie no matter the outcome of the case. I don’t pretend to know what really happened. But I continue to pray for Jussie’s physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. I also continue to support and BELIEVE the victims of hate crimes, sexual assault, other forms of violence. https://t.co/qcoebf3i7n — Marc Lamont Hill (@marclamonthill) February 21, 2019 I’ve been vocal about this situation & my love for Jussie & his entire family. I will continue to hope for the best for everyone involved as things continue to unfold. And I, like all of you, will watch them unfold. But believing victims is always the right choice. Always. — yvette nicole brown (@YNB) February 21, 2019   Many people continue to remain supportive, especially because of the Chicago Police Department’s long history of corruption. The cover-up of Laquan McDonald ‘s murder by Chicago officials and the almost 20 years of Chicago police torture cases serve as two examples of CPD’s corruption. The Chicago PD has dedicated immense energy to arresting Jussie, versus waiting 13 months to release the tape of 17yo Laquan McDonald being shot by a Chicago Police Officer. The dash cam video of the shooting showed McDonald had been walking away from the police when he was shot. https://t.co/rGqXaNSqrz — Eliza Orlins (@eorlins) February 21, 2019 Some people even gave personal examples of not being treated fairly by the CPD… Let me say this as a black, gay ex-Chicago resident (not reporter): A few years ago my neighbors spewed racist and homophobic epithets at me and friends, lit a grill under my porch and tried to smoke us off. Chicago police wouldn’t let me even file a report. — Zach Stafford (@ZachStafford) February 21, 2019   Superintendent Eddie Johnson also annoyed a lot of people when he spoke about the Jussie case, saying , “I just wish that the families of gun violence in this city got this much attention because that’s who really deserves the amount of attention that we’re giving to this particular incident.” Ironcially, CPD has had a low homicide clearance rate even before the Jussie case. According to ABC7 , only a reported 17 percent of murders were solved in 2017 alone. So once again, the CPD has a history of not being good, and some social media users let this be known. *Looks at CPD clearance rate* Lmao https://t.co/MydJ8UpNhW — JBG (@jeauxsef_) February 21, 2019 Chicago handled this Jussie case fast as hell. You done showed your cards CPD, fix your clearance rate now. #JussieSmollettHoax — Jennyfer (@TheNavigaytor) February 21, 2019 Chicago PD has murdered people with guns and covered it up, though. https://t.co/QyOVNt1J6k — Bree Newsome Bass (@BreeNewsome) February 21, 2019 I'm pretty sure the murder of Laquan McDonald and the cover up carried out from CPD to the mayor's office as well as decades of systemic racism against Black Chicagoans has done more to “damage the image of Chicago” than the Smollett case has. — Bree Newsome Bass (@BreeNewsome) February 21, 2019   Meanwhile, Jussie’s family still seems to be supporting him, with his siblings Jazz, Jake and  Jocqui  showing up to Chicago court on Thursday for Jussie’s bail hearing . Even some of Jussie’s celebrity friends are continuing to keep him in their prayers. Tyler Perry spoke on Jussie’s situation on Facebook and used the disappearance of Terrance Williams and Felipe Santos as an intro: “How I wish that the disappearance of Terrance Williams and Felipe Santos could get half as much attention as this Jussie Smollett thing. I have personally spoken to Jussie, and he is adamant that he’s telling the truth. Also, everyone that I know who knows him says that he is not the kind of person who would make up such a horrible and awful thing. Yet the evidence seems to state otherwise. I’m lost for words. To stoke fears and raise racial tensions is wrong in every situation on ALL SIDES! Yet my prayers are still with him and his family and our Nation. CAN WE PLEASE STOP THE HATE!”   Sides will surely continue to be taken. But Jussie’s defense urges people to acknowledge due process before coming to any conclusions. In a statement, Smollett’s lawyer wrote: “Like any other citizen, Mr. Smollett enjoys the presumption of innocence, particularly when there has been an investigation like this one where information, both true and false, has been repeatedly leaked. Given these circumstances, we intend to conduct a thorough investigation and to mount an aggressive defense.” The saga continues.

Jussie Smollett’s Allegedly Staged Attack Causes Mixed Emotions From Celebs & Commentators

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