Justin Bieber Twitter on April 10 2011

justin bieber twitter pictures On April 10 2011, The 17-year-old singer was tweets for beliebers from Justin Bieber Twitter. 10:45 PM: #beforeihadmyfans i didnt know living my dream was possible. so thank you. 10:44 PM: @ KennyHamilton love you too kenny [ Kenny Hamilton retweet by justinbieber]10:42 PM: #beforewehadjustin I had a job @ 955theBeat and @ ScooterBraun just came along and messed my life up… [ Alfredo Flores retweet by justinbieber] 10:23 PM: #beforewehadjustin Long Island Law Enforcement still liked @ScooterBraun 10:36 PM: #beforewehadjustin @scooterbraun was better looking, had more hair, cared about his looks, and let’s say he was a little slimmer. lol [Scooter Braun retweet by justinbieber] 10:18 PM: #beforewehadjustin i had more hair [ Ifeoluwa Akinola retweet by justinbieber]10:21 PM: #beforewehadjustin, our parents had michael jackson and our grandparents had Elvis 10:01 PM: special shoutout to @ BlueyRobinson who rocked europe with me the last month. follow him. crazy talented guy. Your my boy BLUE! haha [Bluey Robinson retweet by justinbieber] 5:39 PM: So special thanks and shout out to Scooter and Justin! .. Now to head home and make this happen! .. Peace x [Bluey Robinson retweet by justinbieber] 5:38 PM: I’ve had a real great xperience this past month. Frm touring UK 2 travelling round Europe! All so knew 2 me but has been insiteful & amazing [Bluey Robinson retweet by justinbieber] 5:31 PM: Got pranked last night for my last show by @ JustinBieber who came out half way through Showgirl and threw peppers at me!! lol [Ryan Butler retweet by justinbieber] 11:22 PM Apr 8th: @Justinbieber got a new drummer youtube.com/watch?v=Wy52yu… 9:49 PM: @ itsryanbutler you will be missed my friend. you will be missed 9:49 PM: love italy. best food ever! show was incredible and the party was fun. thanks for the good times. Now Off to the Israel! #myworldtour Related Justin Bieber Twitter : Justin Bieber Twitter on April 9 2011 Justin Bieber Twitter on April 8 2011 Justin Bieber Twitter on April 7 2011 Justin Bieber Twitter on April 10 2011 is a post from: Justin Bieber News | Pictures | Youtube The rest is here: Justin Bieber Twitter on April 10 2011

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Justin Bieber Twitter on April 10 2011

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