On the 20th March 2011 I saw Justin Drew Bieber live for the first time in the M.E.N Arena in Manchester, UK. It was honestly the best night of my life. All day I was so so so excited it just wouldn’t sink in. I arrived at the arena a few hours early to wait for Justin but I didn’t have much luck. I then queued up for a while and finally the doors opened at 6:00pm. I ran in and bought the programme straight away. I then found the door that lead to all the floor seats and ran down the steps as fast as I could to the floor. The man then took me to my seats because I was row G, I had no idea what that meant. I was 5 rows from the front, I started to cry because I knew in a few hours I was going to be 5 rows away from my baby. I called my mum up and thanked her for the amazing seats she got me. I sat and felt the buzz and the atmosphere whilst Bluey Robinson performed to get the crowd pumped. Willow Smith then came on and during her last song “Whip my hair” Scooter and Ryan came out on stage and started dancing and whipping their hair. I was so happy I got to see them in the flesh. Then the stage doors opened again and Jaden Smith and Justin ran out and I completely flipped out. I went crazy, I got such an adrenaline rush that when he ran off stage I passed out for a few seconds.. I was that pumped. Then my friend woke me up and I was fine. This is how he pranked her . Then the countdown on the clock began and I couldn’t breathe, I was so hyped, it got to the final 10 second countdown and I was so overwhelmed that the shaking, crying and screaming was uncontrollable. Finally Justin Bieber rose up from below the stage and performed amazingly! It was the best night of my life, I honestly couldn’t have asked for a better experience. 20th March 2011, the night my dream came true, I love you Justin. Follow this link: On the 20th March 2011 I saw Justin Drew Bieber live for the…
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On the 20th March 2011 I saw Justin Drew Bieber live for the…