I know there was some controversy about Kaley Cuoco getting married, I didn’t pay attention to why, but here is a video of her wedding, which is more of a sales pitch for her make up artist…where Kaley looks a lot like a fat Britney Spears… I just hope the only people who masturbate to Kaley Cuoco are socially awkward, aspergeres nerds who like her because she plays the accessible “hot” girl on a really huge show, that I don’t think should be a huge show, but that for some reason everyone watches all the fucking time…making her more relevant than she should be…. I can only assume, like Kaley’s sex appeal, some brain washing is going on….you know all a fucking lie… She’s annoying as fuck, no wonder John Ritter self destructed on set with her.
Read more from the original source:
Kaley Cuoco’s Wedding Video of the Day