It is possible that Cara Delevigne, the party socialite turned Model / Actress who clearly idolizes Kate Moss and does a similar hustle as Kate Moss…is not actually trying to emulate Kate Moss…so hard that she’s even brought Kate Moss into her campaigns so that they can hang out and be BFFs like Cara Delevinge wants so badly….because who wouldn’t want hang with your idol when you have the reach to hang out with your idol….except maybe for me, because I idolize homeless crazy people, because less commitments and responsibility and the I don’t give a fuck attitude that allows you to throw feces at the mirror..of public bathrooms everywhere…and have no interest in being with them, but rather more interest in being them.. It is possible that they were in this campaign together because they are the only British women with teeth…. Or maybe it is possible that the British people have bad teeth joke was played out when Austin Powers did it, and 20 years later, played out now… But if you spend time in Pubs, you’ll know, the majority of British girls in pubs look like grey skinned trolls that crawled out from under the bridge.. These two girls…aren’t trolls. That’s it.. The post Kate Moss and Kate Moss Impersonator Together in a Campaign of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Kate Moss and Kate Moss Impersonator Together in a Campaign of the Day