People get so mad at me when I talk about how fate Kate Upton is going to be, cuz who cares about the future today, let’s fixate on her 18 year old huge sloppy tits half naked, doing the best they can before it’s too late and the rest of her catches up to them….It’s just a matter of time, and really she already is starting to show signs of what’s to come…eventually photoshop won’t be able to fix her and she’ll end up in the trailer park so many other hot busty young girls end up in when the asses catch up…. I woulda lost this staring contest cuz I’d be too fixated on watching her belly getting bigger and bigger by the second…cuz that’s what’s happening… But live in the now and respect SoBe’s marketing efforts, cuz everyone’s posting this SoBe shit….which is exactly why they paid the bitch…but I advise you to never drink it…cuz that would be giving into them…and we don’t need to do that…. She’s too young to have tits like this…it is unnatural and whether it is the hormones in the food I’ve come to love and appreciate or not…she’s on a limited timeline….I am sure of it. Here’a another one….
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Kate Upton Chubby Bikini Spokesperson Staring Contest for SoBe of the day
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