If you’ve been wondering where Jordan Katie Price the billionaire cuz she had stupid tits at a time the blue collar working class scene in the UK was really into big tits and made her a rich and famous whore….has been hiding out…your investigation ends here…she’s gone all blue blooded, not cuz of a titty implant infection, but cuz she’s penetrated the upper crust of society, like it has penetrated her so many times to get to this point, and she was invited to a charity polo match… Look at the way she’s rubbing her vagina all over that horse…and then that bike…and later in the locker rooms all the participants..This pig prostitute has single vagina-edly tainted the sport of polo. I love that her shirt says “Inspire”…what a fucking joke…I mean depending on what she is trying to inspire…which I can only assume is to turn men gay…or to motivate little girls to feel inadequate and get the biggest set of fake tits they can that will in turn make them rich and famous….making them a better investment than a college degree….use your money wisely sluts in training…. I watched her sex tape the other day.. google it….she sucks. Literally and figuratively..but maybe I just hate her cuz I hate fake tits…especailly novelty sized ones that make a bitch famous…cuz it makes me comtemplate getting myself stupid fake tits, cuz I want what comes with being famous, mainly the money, but I’d never be able to save 5k, I’d rather spend it on hookers and cocaine….fun is always my downfalll… Here’s Katie Price. Classy.
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Katie Price is a Ruins Polo With her Whore Pussy of the Day