The Kelly Brook suddenly relevant cuz she decided to show off some skin, wear some tight clothes, and I guess hire a new publicist tour continues…This time launching a Reebok campaign she went nude in, while wearing some tight workout gear, showing off her ass for all her new fans to get excited about, despite having been around at least the last 5 years doing exactly the same thing, but I guess that’s just how it happens for some people, slow and steady wins the fucking race kinda thing, but unfortunately in her line of work…turning 35 or having a kid is gonna be the end of her…3 more years to go or one broken condom…to go…and in the meantime here’s some older woman in tight clothes with a pretty good body getting work and love she deserved when she started out 15 years ago…and no one noticed…. Next stop for Kelly Brook on her new publicist tour is the Playboy cover….stay excited.
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Kelly Kelly Brook’s Ass Promotes Something of the Day