Tag Archives: tour-continues

Vanessa Hudgens’ Euro Hot Show Continues!

Vanessa Hudgens ‘ European Hotness tour continues with these shots of the actress at something called the Ischia Global Fest gala dinner. Obviously I wasn’t invited again, but that’s cool. Who wants to get drunk and party with Vanessa in a tight white dress at the beach anyway? Wait, I do. Is it too late to get on the guest list? » view all 20 photos Related Articles: Vanessa Hudgens’ Got Little Cleavage Vanessa Hudgens Sex Tape? Vanessa Hudgens In A See Through Top Vanessa Hudgens Is A Sexy Beast Photos:  WENN.com

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Vanessa Hudgens’ Euro Hot Show Continues!

Vanessa Hudgens’ Euro Hot Show Continues!

Vanessa Hudgens ‘ European Hotness tour continues with these shots of the actress at something called the Ischia Global Fest gala dinner. Obviously I wasn’t invited again, but that’s cool. Who wants to get drunk and party with Vanessa in a tight white dress at the beach anyway? Wait, I do. Is it too late to get on the guest list? » view all 20 photos Related Articles: Vanessa Hudgens’ Got Little Cleavage Vanessa Hudgens Sex Tape? Vanessa Hudgens In A See Through Top Vanessa Hudgens Is A Sexy Beast Photos:  WENN.com

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Vanessa Hudgens’ Euro Hot Show Continues!

Kate Upton Gets Body Painted of the Day

The Kate Upton tour continues… This bitch is everywhere. I guess she knows that her 18 year old huge tits are going to be 28 year old obese tits cuz tits like this at 18 always have a stomach and ass that will always catch the fuck up ….it’s scientifically proven. So I like her drive and ambition and appreciation for this unexpected success and fame…I like that she knows there is a timeline before she turns into Gilbert Grapes mom….especially now that every dude wants to fuck her young sloppiest bikini model body that’s still not as sloppy as your wife…but probably sloppier than she was at 18 that I’ve ever seen and she’s just gonna get sloppier… But for now, she’s getting body painted, showing off her body, while you can think about how few dicks have probably been in her…it’s the whole 18, innocent, hot bodied, busty that’s better than good for now…. I know this is going to end in a sex tape. Here are her friends grabbing at her tits. Amazing…

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Kate Upton Gets Body Painted of the Day

Heidi Klum Vacation Bikini Finally Hits of the Day

I’ve been following Heidi Klum’s vacation, not because I like seeing mom’s doing mom things with their kids, but because I like seeing Heidi Klum do anything. Even with her mom body and retired model slouch that spends it’s days inserting Seal’s forearm sized dick inside her twat, when she’s not chained to the radiator getting shit on, like a good german sex life, instead of being paid too much to be in a bikini, but now…she’s decided to finally get into a bikini for the paparazzi, pretty much for free, when not lookin’ her best, but probably realizing she’s Heidi Klum and already done her fair share of lookin good and that keeping shit up doesn’t matter anymore, cuz she’s still Heidi Klum and I have a feeling she’s right….

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Heidi Klum Vacation Bikini Finally Hits of the Day

Anna Kournikova Sucks and Seduction of the Day

Anna Kournikova is a lot of hype. She was actually the only reason this site ever got traffic cuz I posted some pics of her in a white bikini pulling sand out of the shit and boom instant success I’ve been riding the last 6 years. If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t be living this life of luxury filled with cans of beans and electric bills I don’t have to pay for, cuz I am broke and my wife covers it…actually, I probably would be, I just wouldn’t be wasting my days writing about how a bitch I’ve never met or cared about is lookin’ real boring, so boring I feel compelled to post the pictures and discuss…what it comes down to is that whether this bitch is half naked or doing this sloppy period shit, I still suck at life…

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Anna Kournikova Sucks and Seduction of the Day

Kelly Kelly Brook’s Ass Promotes Something of the Day

The Kelly Brook suddenly relevant cuz she decided to show off some skin, wear some tight clothes, and I guess hire a new publicist tour continues…This time launching a Reebok campaign she went nude in, while wearing some tight workout gear, showing off her ass for all her new fans to get excited about, despite having been around at least the last 5 years doing exactly the same thing, but I guess that’s just how it happens for some people, slow and steady wins the fucking race kinda thing, but unfortunately in her line of work…turning 35 or having a kid is gonna be the end of her…3 more years to go or one broken condom…to go…and in the meantime here’s some older woman in tight clothes with a pretty good body getting work and love she deserved when she started out 15 years ago…and no one noticed…. Next stop for Kelly Brook on her new publicist tour is the Playboy cover….stay excited.

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Kelly Kelly Brook’s Ass Promotes Something of the Day