A kid named Ardi Rizal from Musi Banyuasin, Indonesia is a chain smoker at the age of two. The kid was given a cigarette when he was 18 months old by his father Mohammed. The kid is obviously gets addicted to smoking because he can consume 40 cigarettes a day. And if not given smoke, he gets angry and screams and hit his head against the wall. If the child can’t smoke, he feels dizzy and sick according to his Mom, Diana. It costs the Family £3.78 in Musi Banyuasin, Indonesia for a particular brand for the child to smoke. But Mohammed the father of the child at the same time a fishmonger said, that the child is pretty healthy for him so he doesn’t see it as a problem. The officials of the said place has offered the family a car if the child quits. This is becoming a problem in Indonesia facing the fact that 25 percent of age group 3-15 year-old have tried cigarettes. Kid Addicted to Smoke at 2 is a post from: Daily World Buzz
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Kid Addicted to Smoke at 2