Lady Gaga Picture of the Day

Lady Gaga is all about low hanging fruit for attention seeking. You know do anything people will look at, talk about, notice, until they stop caring because she’s done everything and the allure of her being subversive totally disappears and the obviosuly reality that she’s only trying to be shocking for attention takes away from it being shocking, and if anything is just boring and repetitive no matter how much effort she put into it… So she could be topless, or flashing a thong ass, or even fisting herself using a dead person’t fist, while eating out a puppy, and the world would just not care…it’s just gaga being gaga and gaga being gaga sucks…even when naked…and not just because of her face and body, but because of all it represents…which is evil.. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Lady Gaga Picture of the Day

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