Latest TSA Nightmare: Man Soaked by Urine

They keep coming — horrific examples of bad behavior by the TSA during pat-downs and body scans. The lastest: A bladder cancer survivor was soaked by his own urine after a TSA agent broke the man's urostomy bag. “I tried to warn him that he would hit the bag and break the seal on my bag, but he ignored me,” said the passenger, Thomas Sawyer. “Sure enough, the seal was broken and urine started dribbling down my shirt and my leg and into my pants. They never apologized. They acted like they hadn’t seen what happened. But I know they saw it because I had a wet mark. I am totally appalled by the fact that agents that are performing these pat-downs have so little concern for people with medical conditions.” From 3-year-old girls to nursing moms and now cancer patients, the TSA is racking up some major PR disasters, and they're heartbreaking, and they're infuriating, and there needs to be some additional sensitivity training, clearly. Continued at: added by: Dagum

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