Leighton Meest Foot Fetish Porn Revisited of the Day

For those of you who don’t know much about Leighton Meester, other than than you would totally fuck her, like you’d fuck anything with a vagina, or really anything that remotely looks or acts like a vagina, cuz you’re not all that picky when it comes to your Kathy Bating……she was in foot fetish videos early on in her career, because you don’t just wake up one day in your halfway house cuz your mom was a drug smuggling criminal, and land a role on a hit show, you gotta use the skills momma learned in prison and passed onto you, and suck dick to get there, coupled with chosing jobs that pay enough to not get an actual career job, while maintaining your integrity, cuz you don’t get naked in the smut you’re producing, you just let dudes jerk off on your feet….the very same feet she’s showing off in these pictures on set of Gossip Girl…reminding us of how badly she wanted this, and how far she was willing to go, while giving her original pervert fan bases some foot they haven’t been able to jerk off to in what seems like forever. If you know what I mean…

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Leighton Meest Foot Fetish Porn Revisited of the Day

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