Lily Collins is one of Phil Collins’ many kids, who I don’t really think used Phil Collins to really get ahead in life, because he’s a touring Rockstar in the UK, and she was separated from him as a little kid, forced to live the life of luxury with her mother who was some socialite from LA before marrying Phil Collins…. I wouldn’t be surprised if she hasn’t seen much more than a check from the guy since she was 5, but that check helped the family afford a good life and good friends, and thus connections with good casting directors, producers and etc. I don’t know anything about her, or really care about her career, or her personally life. I am much more into staring at her shit covered ass…not because I am into scat…but because there is something magical from a girl from an affluent privileged life…smearing her own feces on herself like some bi-polar episode…those are serious daddy issues… Unless of course…she’s just rolled around in mud…in which case…less exciting but still involves staring at her ass…which is good enough for me to stare at…because every ass is…seriously, it doesn’t need an IMDB page or a hit making parent…it just needs to be half naked…
See the article here:
Lily Collins Covered in Mud of the Day