Lindsay Lohan’s “Leaked” Playboy Cover of the Day

You may or may not know that when Lohan was going broke, back when she was battling court dates, unable to land any actual work…not even starrrin as a dead pornstar….the charitable, festive, tis the season, good people at Playboy came along and offered her a million dollars or some shit to pose for them, despite rumors that she would have accepted 100 dollars for sme coke….to do more than just pose, but also fuck the top 15 entries to a Fuck Lindsay Lohan contest…she’s that desperate…. And in Playboy trying to recoop some of their money, because it turns out Lohan didn’t even end up going naked, even though we’ve all seen her naked, they’ve been pushing the PR train, something huge for Lohan cuz she hasn’t been interviewed in what must feel like years…I mean besides what went down in court… So she’ll be on Ellen, she’ll on other shows, all pushing these non nude pics…and Playboy even went so far as to leak the cover…. Boring probably…but as a Lohan fan til the grave, hers or mine, I’m gonna encourage her to continue down the dark windy road into porn. It is kinda where I want her to be so that when I come save her off a street corner, to help her get her life back, she’ll be more inclined to suck me off for a hot meal and a bed to sleep in. We’re all allowed to have dreams…..

See more here:
Lindsay Lohan’s “Leaked” Playboy Cover of the Day

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