Michelle Bombshell McGee’s Publicity Stunt Continues of the Day

I guess when you’re a stripper nazi pig who does some sleazy low level photoshoots for the internet, hoping one day to be famous has been your hustle all these years, before you managed to secure unprotected sex on the regular with a semi-famous dude with a very famous wife, you’d pretty much go back to being a stripper nazi pig who does sleazy low level photoshoots once the scandal blows over and no one cares….even if you try every stunt to get more and more attention before people stop caring….by staging more and more idiotic scandals…only to realize that you were just a pawn in getting Bullock an Oscar, cuz a regular divorce woulda been a waste of a publcity stunt….cuz the only work you can get is working a booth at some Sex Tradeshow in Australia. Pathetic…..and disgusting…but then again, I hate bitches that look like this….but at least she’s keepin’ it festive…even if she’s more about cutting her nipples off for Satan than getting her tits felt up for 10 dollars a song for Santa…and who gives a fuck.

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Michelle Bombshell McGee’s Publicity Stunt Continues of the Day

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