Miley Cyrus decided to show the world that she’s a vapid self-obsessed little cunt, in a video I don’t really understand, but figure is her high with a friend who is making fun of her for watching her own video for 4 hours, and the fact that I even pulled that much information out of this bullshit, angers me, because sitting here trying to analyze an instagram video of Miley Cyrus, as if it was some masterful theatrical piece of history, is just plane ridiculous….but not as ridiculous as the fact that she’s not touching herself like this was one of her music videos…cuz that is the Miley I like to anal-yze…in my mind… The fact she’s a self involved little cunt is really expected…she’s in an industry where people suck her dick all day and feed her ego because she makes them money or they are paid to do so…while the rest of the world celebrates her…if she wasn’t self involved and if she didn’t think she was awesome, she could never get on stage and have the audacity to perform like she matters or deserves to… All this to say, she needs to step up her instagram video game…
Continued here:
Miley Cyrus Watching a Miley Cyrus Video of the Day