Tag Archives: self-involved

Kristen Stewart Full Tit of the Day

Lesbian Kristen Stewart is out there with her tit out…because I guess she’s that kind of lesbian, who’s not quite a lesbian at all, she just plays one in the media cuz it’s good for business, it’s good for a storyline, it makes an uninteresting girl more intereesting to the people, it allows her to get cliche lesbian haircuts and hang with other fake lesbians like the VS model she used to fist, scissor and cuddle…who she learned good strategy from at least based on this outfit and her tit…a tit far bigger than I expected it to be… Girls will be girls whether they are self involved narcissists who masturbate together, showing each other their hot chick bodies naked on their piles of money, renouncing the devil dick, or all dick cuz it is the devil…they still want to walk around tits out for us to see and that is kind of them…the attention seeking I appreciate. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Kristen Stewart Full Tit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Kristen Stewart Full Tit of the Day

Lily Rose Depp Shorts From a Blowjob Angle of the Day

We live in a porno generation, with a porned up perverted undertone, since everyone just sits around and watches porno all day…so when they post their selfies to their social media feeds, they are so well trained, conditioned to porn angles, they know exactly what they are doing, and what the images they prouduce look like…especially when they are celebrity rich kids exposed to all kinds of shit at a young age…mature for their age maybe because their parents are both self involved immature actor weridos… Maybe I am looking into this too hard..thinking..oh it’s a blowjob angle…or MAYBE it is a blowjob angle… The post Lily Rose Depp Shorts From a Blowjob Angle of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Lily Rose Depp Shorts From a Blowjob Angle of the Day

Emma Roberts Titty in a Bathing Suit in Miami of the Day

We like Emma Roberts…and by we, I mean I do, and I don’t actually know if I like her, because I haven’t met any of these people, but I do think she’s got a good look for a hipster identity crisis neice of Julia Roberts who probably has daddy issues, but who doesn’t, thanks to her dad being a self involved asshole who won an academy award and faded harder than Dana Plato, because at least Dana Plato died…I don’t know why I chose Dana Plato, but I guess she’s a bad example, I’m trying to get at dying at your peak is better than doing netflix movies for shit money to feed to coke habit and not your kid….because you don’t pay child support, you instead get your sister to get her work….who cares She’s on the tail end of Basel, because people buy into art, even if it’s nonsense, it’s still got that cool factor…and here she is tit out in a one piece because she’s subtle, bloated, or pregnant….nice. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE Here’s some social media video The post Emma Roberts Titty in a Bathing Suit in Miami of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Emma Roberts Titty in a Bathing Suit in Miami of the Day

Bella Thorne’s Heartfelt Message of the Day

I liked the contrast of Bella Throne’s “sincere” shout out to victims of a concert bombing and her ass…. Because… We live in a bullshit world, where everyone pretends to care about things, whether it’s terrorist attacks, or suicide bombs, or major accidents… It’s become common courtesy to say “My thoughts and prayers are with the victims”…and really the only reason people do that is to save fucking face, in between posts about themselves….and the only reason people care about these things is because they think “damn, that could have happened to me”….because we live in a self involved, disgusting world, where humanity are self righteous cunts and that’s about the extent of the attention span they have… It’s like “if I don’t do it people will judge, so give a shout out, between my regular whore postings… I don’t think you need to stop living when things like this happen, but don’t bother pretending you care, younger generation, we know you’re too into yourself to notice and if you do post any insincere caption to go along with the incident…you’re only doing it to avoid criticism so that you can lie to yourself into thinking you’re a decent human… None of these people are decent humans, but Bella THorne’s ass is good to look at…which is about the depth she’s got going for her…. The post Bella Thorne’s Heartfelt Message of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bella Thorne’s Heartfelt Message of the Day

Sara Jean Underwood – Naturalist of the Day

Sara Jean Underwood is a mid-30s naturalist, who I guess is into nature and camping and all the beautiful things the country has to offer. She hikes, she poses next to waterfalls and other amazing things, and she documents it in the most slutty and self involved way… But for some reason, I think it’s an interesting hook. I mean she was in Playboy at 18, she tried to do some legit hosting, she fell into obscurity, and she made a serious and aggressive instagram comeback…. I don’t think she’s making any money doing this shit, because she pushes private snap chats and private instagrams and sells monthly memberships to her smut…but if it finances her great trips to these great places…where she can produce her smut…I am all for it.. We live in a world where everyone gets naked for instagram, in all the same poses, and places…at least some effort goes into this…and she’s a veteran and expert…as it is all she’s known..other than Ryan Seacrests daytime TV dick… SO I support, I don’t pay her monthly subscription fees, but I’ll promote her for free, and not make fun of what is seemingly a wonderful thing! I like that despite being freezing, she still gets naked, it is wonderful. Here’s more: The post Sara Jean Underwood – Naturalist of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Sara Jean Underwood – Naturalist of the Day

Beyonce Pregnant in a Tight Dress GIF of the Day

This Beyonce GIF….from the Oscars is what you’d expect from a self involved, narcissitic cunt, who is breeding, with two parasites eating off her Popeye’s Chicken diet….it’s slutty, trying to be sexy, erotic and disgusting all at the same time…because Beyonce…is the fucking worst… The post Beyonce Pregnant in a Tight Dress GIF of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Beyonce Pregnant in a Tight Dress GIF of the Day

Hot Slut Blocks the Interstate and Other Videos of the Day

Soccer Player Kills Ref with Shot to Mouth Drug Dealer Shootout Drunk Man Saved From Suicide Nose Picker TOWING a Car Backwards Pumpkin Roll…. Trump Meltdown The post Hot Slut Blocks the Interstate and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Hot Slut Blocks the Interstate and Other Videos of the Day

Maartje Verhoef Titty for Vogue Italia of the Day

Here’s a hot model named Maartje Verhoef showing her tits for Vogue – because when you want to be a hot model – who makes enough money to live a good life and lure in rich guys – you do whatever the fuck Vogue tells you to do – because you need them….they are like your escort agency… So I don’t Know anything about her – other than that with a name like Maartje Verhoef she’s likely from the Netherlands…a little Dutch girl from Holland…showing tits for that New York life…and luckily it works. She’s got over 100,000 followers on social media so people care….she matters…she exists…and you get to see her tits…her little model tits… The post Maartje Verhoef Titty for Vogue Italia of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Maartje Verhoef Titty for Vogue Italia of the Day

Bella Thorne’s Hard Nipple Selfie of the Day

After years of extensive research, it’s safe to say that no matter who you are….if you’re going to take a selfie…whether for your own personal self, or for a bigger purpose like to share yourself with the world because you’re a self involved cunt who thinks she’s great….do it with hard nipples….because everyone involved…on both ends of the spectrum…will appreciate it more….maybe even intellectualize it, over analyze it, celebrate it….by jerking off too many times to it..but it just makes for a better…more substantial image…. This is Bella Thorne…she’s trying to become famous. Or maybe she is famous…it’s all really a fucking blur by now – isn’t it. The post Bella Thorne’s Hard Nipple Selfie of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bella Thorne’s Hard Nipple Selfie of the Day

Bella Thorne’s Bra in Santa Monica of the Day

Does anyone really give a fuck about Bella Thorne and her taking her red headed, fit, tight, young, recently celebrated even though no one knows who she really is, tits out in a sports bra… She’s a shameless instagrammer…who has this ability to post smut that is harmeless – but good enough for perverts to follow.. She’s got 13 million followers, 13 million people give a fuck about her, and there’s nothing to her..but sticking tongues out, wearing bikinis, showing cleavage….and being as horny as any redhead I’ve met is…seriously…they all have something to prove for some reason, a reason I call being a ginger…through fucking…which may be why she goes that extra mile to make people give a fuck… It’s not really worth investigating, or hiring a private eye to figure out for us…it’s just the era of the shameless, self involved, narcissistic slut who likes taking selfies, and really likes the pervert feedback…it makes their pussies wet…like that pat on the back their parents once gave them when they got their first child acting check in…. She’s fucking working it from every angle. Good hustle…that requires no hustle…making it a great hustle… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLCIK HERE The post Bella Thorne’s Bra in Santa Monica of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bella Thorne’s Bra in Santa Monica of the Day