Morena Baccarin Hot for Esquire of the Day

I had never heard of this Brazilian actor before, but after lookin gher up, I saw that she was in all kinds of ridiculous nerd shit, and seeing as this is a blog, and no matter how fucking rock and roll I am….and no matter how many models I have sex with….I will still have nerd readers….it’s the internet….nerds built this shit like it was a real doll robot version of Morena Baccarin, someone you have never heard of and would find weird….but who they married in a private ceremony in Second Life….even though the real Morena Baccarin wasn’t involved. So she’s been in Stagate, Serenity, V, FIrefly and some other nerd bullshit….and now she’s in Esquire giving me boners.

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Morena Baccarin Hot for Esquire of the Day

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