My name is Kailin and I met Justin Drew Bieber on October 9th in Tacoma, Washington . I’ve been a belieber since just after the last time Justin came to Tacoma which was on his My World Tour. I was not that big of a fan then, and I was out of town anyways, so I didn’t go. Since then, that has been one of my biggest regrets. But now it’s ok because I’ve finally met him. Since Justin had started talking about his Believe tour, I had told myself I would do whatever I could to meet him. I started babysitting and saving my money. I made a jar that said ‘Believe’ on it and would put all the money I made in there the second I earned it. The day he announced the tour dates was one of the most stressful days of my life. He didn’t have almost any information and I was running around my house trying to tell my parents everything I knew and that I was going to buy meet & greets no matter what. They said it was fine as long as I paid for everything . The next day, when they went on sale, I convinced them to let me skip class to come home to buy the tickets for me and my best friend. I came home and got the meet & greets and was the happiest person in the world ! I literally couldn’t concentrate for the entire day and when I told my best friend, Lauren, I had gotten them and that we were fourth row right by the runway we literally screamed in the middle of the lunch room! We started planning everything and had countdowns going and decided the shirts we would wear and the only music I listened to for the next two months was Believe (not that I wouldn’t have anyways…) On the day of the concert, we left school after fifth period and headed to the Tacoma Dome. It still really hadn’t set in that I was going to be meeting Justin Bieber. I honestly think I have seen every video of him that there is online and it was so weird to think I would be seeing him in person. I have been obsessed with him for over a year and a half and literally he is my life and my love and my inspiration. We got there and since we still had an hour until check in, I dragged my friend over to the busses (she was reluctant because she didn’t want to miss anything, but I really wanted to try to see some of the crew). We waited outside, singing Justin’s songs with the other girls there, but it was kind of uneventful. We did see Moshe on a segway and Kenny come let some friends in though! Then we went and checked in. It still hadn’t set in what was about to happen. Once we got our passes we were put off to the side in a line outside the arena. In line we met two really nice girls, Shreya and Jocelyn, who came all the way down from Vancouver, Canada. We talked for what seemed like an hour until they finally let us in. We were led to another area to wait, and when I saw the stage I started crying because I was SO excited. I managed to pull myself together and we waited even longer just talking about everything. We heard Justin was a little late because he was meeting with the Make-a-Wish kids. Once the line started moving, we came around a corner and I saw a little curtained off area, and Kenny and Moshe were outside. I saw girls coming out the other side of the room crying and hugging each other. That’s when it set in: I was actually going to be in a room with real, live Justin. I didn’t know you could actually burst into tears, but I now know you can. I was crying hysterically and Jocelyn, Shreya, and Lauren were trying to calm me down, but nothing was working. I started sobbing even harder when I saw the curtain move when another group went in and saw a glimpse of him! We got up to the curtain and Moshe looked at me and smiled and said, “Don’t cry! You can’t cry in the picture!” . Lauren turned to Kenny and said, “Can you help her!?” and he laughed a little. We went in and time literally stopped. I don’t remember it at all, but Lauren said that at that time she gave him a hug. All I remember is looking at him and stopping where I was and freezing about three feet away from him. I just have this memory, a perfect picture of him when I first walked in of just the upper half of him. I don’t even remember what pants he was wearing. Everything else in the room was black and blurry. I remember thinking red shirt, gold necklace, oh his hair looks really nice, wow he’s real, oh my gosh what, his face is really thin… and it was weird because these thoughts were coming to me so slow. I had so many things I was going to say to him like how much he means to me, I was going to ask him to smile with his teeth instead of his usual ‘picture face’, I was going to smell him. I forgot everything. I was literally starstruck. He was looking at me and I was standing there balling looking at him and we were making eye contact. It just couldn’t register with me what was happening. I had made him a t-shirt that said “#ilovemybeliebers” and luckily I had remembered to put it in my hands in line. Sadly, I wasn’t holding my letter and I completely forgot to give it to him. When I finally was able to move I thought to myself okay I have to give him the shirt, I have to move, I have to do something! I took a step forward, handed it to him, and said “I made you a shirt.” He took it and said “Aww thank you sweetie”. I lost it even more and he put his arm out and I turned around to take the picture. It didn’t turn out too well because I could barely stop crying to smile (I’m on the right). Then once it was over, I started crying again, still hysterical, and asked for a hug. He gave me the best hug I have ever had in my life . And the sad thing is I barely remember it. I just know that it was amazing. And that I wish I had hugged him harder and long and whispered, “I love you”. We walked out of the room and out back to wait for the rest of the girls to meet him so we could go back in. It took a good minute for me to stop crying and pull myself together. I was literally the happiest I had ever been in my life. Once they let us back in, we went to our seats and got ready for the concert. After Carly performed, there was still about an hour, so I went to this place where I could see backstage. I was hoping to see some of his crew, and maybe even talk to him, but the best I got was a wave from Moshe and Scrappy and Kenny. But I did see them roll back his clothes to put behind the stage. Then the concert started and it was amazing and so loud. There was a part where Justin was going around talking to fans, and he came to Shreya, who was standing right in front of me and grabbed her hand and I have no idea what he said just that he was once again two feet in front of me and ahhhh. The concert was amazing and just so perfect. The night was the best night of my life. Thank you Justin for being my idol and the perfect person and just amazing. I doubt you’re reading this, but if you are I’m sorry for freaking out, I love you. Visit link: My name is Kailin and I met Justin Drew Bieber on October 9th in…
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My name is Kailin and I met Justin Drew Bieber on October 9th in…