Jeezy Releases A Letter To All His Fans Voicing His Concerns For the last week, Atlanta’s T-R-A-P-S-T-R, Young Jeezy, has been teasing fans with a cryptic Instagram post that displayed a countdown. A countdown to what? We had no idea, until today… I would like to take this time to address the Street Disciples and Congregation to express my concerns and frustrations on what’s going on in our communities all over the world today. With the poverty level at an all time high, it’s damn near impossible for one to take care of him or herself without the possibility of prison or death. You have law enforcement officials gunning down unarmed black men. You have misinformed young men gunning down unarmed women, children and men in churches, movie theaters and public events. There’s a war going on, but you have to ask yourself, who is the enemy? They ask why you black males are so militant? My answer to that would be because they are making us soldiers. Soldiers in a war on humanity. We have nothing to lose and everything to fight for. We are fighting for our people; we are fighting for our right to live. We die to claim our streets and hoods when we don’t own as much as a mail box. That tells me one thing – If we all were on the same page and had the same cause, there is nothing in the world we can’t change or make happen. They ask us why we hustle? To feed our families; to take care of our households; to pay our bills on time. Just like any other American. The only problem is there’s not enough jobs and opportunities for everyone. As a matter of fact, people are being laid off at an alarming rate. Black men getting out of prison try to turn over a new leaf in life, but are placed on parole so they are not able to find employment. They are forced to return to the only way they know to survive. That means sacrificing his freedom and life for his family’s survival. You may call him a criminal, a felon, a societal problem or all the above, but I see someone that is noble and honorable. I see a leader. Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King died for what they believed in; so did Bob Marley. They all have a cause and wanted to make a difference in this crazy world. When an individual would do anything for his or her community and the people in it, that is a Godly act. Not in the biblical sense, but in the sense of the word. We are all Gods in our own right. We all have the ability and the power to change the things around us. We all have the ability to affect lives; to raise our sons and daughters to become Kings and Queens; Leaders and Prophets. To make a difference on Earth while they are here. I know you may be reading this and thinking to yourself, why so dark? Why so sinister? When in fact, it is the exact opposite. Hit the flip to find out what this is all about…
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New Music? Pastor Young Jeezy Addresses His Congregation And Hints At Album Release Date