Ted Nugent Motown Black Man The little bit of mind rocker Ted Nugent had has just been lost. The conservative clown, who once called President Obama a “Chicago chimpanzee” and advised black parents to “teach their children not to attack people if they don’t want to die like Trayvon Martin,” has come out as a Black man. Via Washington Times “As a large, in charge, Motown black man my bad-self, who honed my Sonic Baptizm, soul-cleansing soul music on the greasy rhythm and blues of the musical funk and roll gods James Brown and Chuck Berry et al., and who learned and then perfected the fine art of American defiance from my hero Rosa Parks, I continue to celebrate nonstop all things good and black,” Mr. Nugent, who is white, wrote in an op-ed titled, “We blacks: Democrats’ modern-day slaves,” published by the conservative World Net Daily. “My motto has always been: Black is beautiful. Minimal exposure to my killer Detroit guitar playing would immediately reveal why I was voted the No. 1 Guitarist All Time in Michigan a few years back. No cracker can play like that!” he added. The 67-year-old “Cat Scratch Fever” singer kept with the peculiar theme throughout the entire piece, referring to black men and women as “my black brothers and sisters.” “It’s been over 50 years that the modern slave masters known as the Democratic Party created policies and programs designed to keep black folk down,” Mr. Nugent wrote. “The same scams it has been pulling off for the past 50 years: enticing black folk to look to Uncle Sugar for the cure when it’s been Uncle Sugar who has put black folk on the poverty plantation. “Black lives don’t matter to the Democratic Party. They just want our vote and in turn will continue their ruinous programs that have turned our communities into ghettos, destroyed our families and conned too many of us into a life of poverty,” he continued. “Black power begins with recognizing who our real enemies are and who are friends are,” he wrote. “The Democratic Party is nothing more than a pack of wolves festooned in shiny, white sheepskin. The Democratic Party has conned us into voting for them for decades, and in every instance, our votes for them have been against our own economic self-interest. “Black folk should reject the political con-artists of the Democratic Party in 2016,” he said. “We could then look back someday with pride and say that 2016 was the year we finally looked over the mountaintop and saw the promised land of economic freedom and prosperity. I can hardly get next to myself dreaming of that day. “Happy Black History Month anyway, America. Now let’s stop the Democrat scam and celebrate real freedom with a focus on our black future,” Mr. Nugent concluded. There aren’t enough seats in his world for this man to sit his old, racist, Rachel Dolezal-wannabe azz down.
See original here:
Noted Racist Ted Nugent Says He’s A ‘Motown Black Man’ And Wants To Free ‘Democratic Slaves’