Source: Tim Ockenden – PA Images / Getty Did O.J. Simpson Have A One Night Stand With Kris Jenner? Though he’s denied any romantic relationship with her in the past, O.J. Simpson’s former manager is claiming that something actually did go down between the disgraced football star and Kardashian matriarch Kris Jenner . According to reports from Page Six , Simpson’s former manager Norman Pardo alleges that Simpson once bragged about having sex with his best friend’s wife, Kris Kardashian, during a 1990s hot-tub tryst that ended up ruining both their marriages. Simpson and his then-wife Nicole, along with Robert and Kris Kardashian, were in a Jacuzzi one night while vacationing together, according to Pardo in his new documentary, Who Killed Nicole? Once Nicole and Robert turned in, O.J. and Kris were left alone in the jacuzzi. “‘O.J. said he stood up, pulled his shorts down and, I’ll give you exactly what he said: ‘Her eyes bugged out of her head and I f–ked that B until I broke her,’” his former manager reportedly claims on camera . The Kardashians divorced shortly afterward in 1991 and the Simpsons ended up splitting up by early 1992. O.J. reportedly bragged about the one night stand to Pardo during a 2003 limo ride to an appearance at an Atlanta nightclub, the ex-manager recalled to The Post . While Robert Kardashian joined the team that represented Simpson during his murder trial in 1994–four years after the alleged hot tub hook-up–it was more out of practicality than friendship, according to Pardo. Norman Pardo says he is currently shopping his 90-minute documentary to distributors, which will get an online release on June 12 to mark the 25th anniversary of the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Robert Goldman. Neither Kris Jenner nor O.J. Simpson have commented on these most recent allegations–but as we mentioned before, Simpson previously denied ever sleeping with the reality TV star back in 2015.