2 Live Crew’s Uncle Luke Announces Support For Donald Trump’s Presidency Literally 9 days ago, Uncle Tom Luke was condemning Donald Trump’s racist rhetoric in an article he wrote in the MiamiTimes . Trump, on the other hand, has ratcheted up the Tea Party rhetoric. He shrewdly co-opted the party’s slogan, “Take America Back,” for his “Make America Great Again.” Last weekend, he refused to condemn former KKK grand wizard David Duke for endorsing his candidacy. On Twitter, he later offered a lame apology: “As I stated at the press conference on Friday regarding David Duke – I disavow.” Trump believes his tweets fly right over the heads of uneducated white people who are about that Klan life. He’ll just accuse the media of reverse racism. And it’s working. I don’t see how Trump will beat Hillary Clinton in a general election. But if he were to win the presidency, he would not last more than a year in the White House. The establishment Republicans and the Democrats in Congress would find a way to impeach his ass. Today, on CNN, Uncle Tom Luke gave the same racist his support for President of the United States of America. . @unclelukereal1 recalls partying with Donald Trump: “I remember him being a cool guy” https://t.co/Syw4ZVotVC https://t.co/Fi9Nv2Uiaf — CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) March 10, 2016 Did I just see Uncle Luke endorse Trump??? Did I?? pic.twitter.com/z8FLljamFB — Hip Hop Digest Show (@HipHopDigest) March 10, 2016 SMH. Trump must have taught Luke how to flip-flop on issues like this… Image via AP