SplashNews.com Snoop Has A Multipart Movie Or Series In Mind Snoop Dogg was spilling all the beans on a D.C. radio show and now the world could expect a Snoop biopic in the near future. Snoop visited Vic Jagger of 102.3 and he told her about ideas he had to portray his life in a multipart biopic. At first, Snoop held his tongue about who would be involved in the project. But then he let it out, saying Ryan Coogler and Lee Daniels were already behind the scenes trying to make the movie or series into a reality. Coogler is best known as the director of Black Panther , while Lee Daniels is behind a little show called Empire. No big deal. Watch Snoop’s words for yourself below… Coogler and Daniels have yet to respond to Snoop’s statements, but hopefully, the three creatives are cooking up greatness in the development stages.
Read this article:
Oh, Word? Snoop Dogg Biopic By Lee Daniels & Ryan Coogler Reportedly On The Way [Video]