Online, Men Say Are Willing to Split Housework

en and women are both likely to take a gender-neutral attitude toward most job occupations, according to the preliminary results of an online test launched in February that will keep crunching the data on an open-ended basis. Some jobs, however–such as carpenters and prison guards–were still considered male preserves, at least by male respondents. “For the most part, men felt that both genders would be equally suited to most job positions we listed on the test,” said Ilona Jerabek in a phone interview. Jerabek is president of PsychTests AIM, the Montreal-based psychological assessments company that developed the 126-question test that takes around 30 or 40 minutes to complete. “Gender Roles: Are We Still Playing the Part?” provides a description of where people fall on the traditional-modern continuum in professional and personal life. Nearly 200 men and more than 300 women–their ages range from under 17 to over 60–have responded so far. Most have been Caucasians from North America. Surprisingly, men have so far been more willing than women to divide household duties with their partners and take on jobs beyond such traditionally male tasks as mowing the lawn and taking out the garbage. FInd out more at Women's eNews… added by: Womens_eNews

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