This urgent call-to-action video by the Health Ranger calls upon grassroots food freedom supporters to call their U.S. Senators on Monday, November 29, 2010, to oppose S.510. Video Keywords: food safety,food supply, Senate,S 510,Senate Bill 510,food freedom,health freedom,tyranny,FDA,Big Government,agriculture,legislation,raw milk,America 510:FDA Food Safety Modernization Act A bill to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act with respect to the safety of the food supply. This bill was considered in committee which has recommended it be considered by the Senate as a whole. Although it has been placed on a calendar of business, the order in which legislation is considered and voted on is determined by the majority party leadership. Keep in mind that sometimes the text of one bill is incorporated into another bill, and in those cases the original bill, as it would appear here, would seem to be abandoned. If this atrocious bill is passed don’t expect to see SWAT teams waiting outside every organic farm waiting to toss a flash-bang grenade. Modern tyranny most often comes first in the form of a suit knocking at your door and demanding to see your licenses and documentation. And that is precisely what this bill outlines. Exhaustive records must be kept for anyone producing food, which will place growing, production and sale of food outside the reach of the average small time operation. Just think back to the Oregon Lemonade stand that was shut down by Health Inspectors. The restraints placed on local farms, food co-ops and farmers markets will destroy whats left of independent agriculture. A wise move in the midst of the Great Recession. Without the freedom to strive for self sufficiency, a god given right endowed to all creatures, we are left only one option. Dependence. The forced symbiosis to factory farms, process plants and the GMO mafia, without so much as the freedom to store and save seeds. Scale Appropriate In addition to the focus on facilities that manufactures, processes, packs, or holds food for sale farmers who supply the nation with fresh produce would also be subject to a number of new regulations and recommended practices. The new rules haven’t been written yet, but are expected to focus on water quality, employee hygiene, the use of manure and compost as fertilizer and wildlife intrusions. Because farmers across the nation have warned against punitive rules and many feel they are already taking extreme steps to make sure their food was safe, FDA officials and bill supporters have professed their commitment to ensuring that the final bill is “scale-appropriate.”S. 510:FDA Food Safety Modernization Act A bill to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act with respect to the safety of the food supply. This bill was considered in committee which has recommended it be considered by the Senate as a whole. Although it has been placed on a calendar of business, the order in which legislation is considered and voted on is determined by the majority party leadership. Keep in mind that sometimes the text of one bill is incorporated into another bill, and in those cases the original bill, as it would appear here, would seem to be abandoned. If this atrocious bill is passed don’t expect to see SWAT teams waiting outside every organic farm waiting to toss a flash-bang grenade. Modern tyranny most often comes first in the form of a suit knocking at your door and demanding to see your licenses and documentation. And that is precisely what this bill outlines. Exhaustive records must be kept for anyone producing food, which will place growing, production and sale of food outside the reach of the average small time operation. Just think back to the Oregon Lemonade stand that was shut down by Health Inspectors. The restraints placed on local farms, food co-ops and farmers markets will destroy whats left of independent agriculture. A wise move in the midst of the Great Recession. Without the freedom to strive for self sufficiency, a god given right endowed to all creatures, we are left only one option. Dependence. The forced symbiosis to factory farms, process plants and the GMO mafia, without so much as the freedom to store and save seeds. Scale Appropriate In addition to the focus on facilities that manufactures, processes, packs, or holds food for sale farmers who supply the nation with fresh produce would also be subject to a number of new regulations and recommended practices. The new rules haven’t been written yet, but are expected to focus on water quality, employee hygiene, the use of manure and compost as fertilizer and wildlife intrusions. Because farmers across the nation have warned against punitive rules and many feel they are already taking extreme steps to make sure their food was safe, FDA officials and bill supporters have professed their commitment to ensuring that the final bill is “scale-appropriate.”… added by: electricbrave