Source: Adam Radosavljevic / EyeEm / Getty Teen Arrested For Stealing $10 From Inside Grandmother’s Panties We’ve reported a LOT of unbelievable and heinous crimes over the years, but we’ve never read anything like this before. According to The Smoking Gun , a 19-year-old Memphis boy has been arrested for forcibly reaching into his grandmother’s panties and stealing $10. You read every single word of that correctly. Jared Otte’s grandmother refused to give him the money he was demanding, so Jared pushed her down on the bed, held her down, raiser her dress and removed $10 from her undergarments according to the police report. The elderly woman was bruised during the struggle. Jared has been charged with felony robbery and is being held on $10,000 bail. People. Ain’t S#!T.
See the article here:
People Ain’t S#!t: 19-Year-Old Arrested For Forcibly Reaching In His Meemaw’s Panties To Steal $10