Piers Morgan VS Susan Sarandon’s Tits and Feminists Tit Supports Respond of the Day

In the name of feminism…women are pulling out their tits to support Susan Sarandon and the Patriarchal ideology….because to same a 70 year old’s tits that made her famous in the 70s…is misogyny…. So united they stand, tits out, for their freedom to not allow MEN say what age they can pull tit out or not… Which is a reminder that if you want a mass amount of women to show you their pussy, call out one of them for showing their pussy, and the rest will follow in protest.. The fact that Susan Sarandon is pandering to Piers Morgan, mocking him with her tits that Piers used to jerk off to when watching Rocky Horror as a 20 year old asshole in college…before turning his life to writing celebrity gossip like a bitter fan boy….means he won… Here’s a compilation of some of the women participating in what they are calling #CleavageSolidarity The post Piers Morgan VS Susan Sarandon’s Tits and Feminists Tit Supports Respond of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Piers Morgan VS Susan Sarandon’s Tits and Feminists Tit Supports Respond of the Day

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