WTF?! Lady Gaga Fans Protest Madonna’s GLAAD Award Appearance Via HuffingtonPost There’s no end in sight for the longstanding Madonna-Lady Gaga feud — at least as far as their fans are concerned. Now a pack of “Little Monsters” are petitioning the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), requesting that Madonna not be allowed to present Anderson Cooper with the prestigious Vito Russo Award at the March 16 ceremony in New York. Deeming GLAAD’s decision to tap the Material Girl “an insult to a true gay rights activist like Lady Gaga,” the Gaga fan blog Little Monster Artpop make an even more heinous suggestion, labeling Madge “one of the major reasons for AIDS.” “Back in the 1980′s, she encouraged gay men to have unprotected sex,” they write. “While she certainly didn’t start the disease, she and her lack of morals helped it spread.” If GLAAD officials don’t rethink their choice of having Madonna as a presenter, the group has vowed to “strike back” in an unspecified way in their letter. The post seems to ignore the fact that Madonna has always been a major supporter of HIV/AIDS research, even dedicating proceeds from numerous concerts to AIDS-related charities since the mid-1980s. It’s one thing to not life Madge, but to blame her for spreading AIDS amongst gay men, that’s pretty low-down. Image via WENN