Nude scenes in PG-13 movies is a dying art. Back in the early days of the rating, filmmakers could get away with lots of nudity, but since the mid-90s, it’s become more and more rare to find nudity in a PG-13 flick. Even still, some of the best nude scenes in history have come in movies with a PG-13 rating. From The House Bunny to The Woman in Red , let’s take a look back at ten of the best PG-13 nude scenes!
The best hobby of the year goes to this freakshow and her vagina knitting…not because she’s hot or what she does is compelling, but because she can’t be fucking serious and if she is serious, that makes her amazing. I posted this on Facebook and some of the homies were into the Menstrual Scarf…but I had my mind set on yeast infection socks… But like all things lesbian, vaginal and feminist, there’s little room for dudes in this, so that’s why I’m starting “Asshole Knitting”…where we do things our own shit covered way…smelling like a Japanese scat pornstar…everywhere we go…or wherever our knitted tea cozy, throw blanket or sweater and hat set go. I’m thinking about teaching this at Old Folks homes.
Wild Rose on Rose McGowan is awesome… I’m not just saying that because she’s got awesome tits…or maybe I am…but I am saying it because she’s got awesome tits…I mean I am sure there is more to her than awesome tits…like she’s definitely got more to offer the world than just her tits…she’s had an interesting life with interesting stories…there are more than just tits to this babe…but we don’t need to focus on that….not here, not now… Rose McGowan is naked in this video for NOWNESS…that reminds me of a shitty college film I would have made, you know any excuse to get the babe naked, fuck I’ll make it black and white, I’ll set wind, I’ll even find a meadow with birds chirping…it’s just formulaic and not high enough a concept for me…however..Rose McGowan is naked in it..and ever since the mid-90s…when I saw Doom Generation…Rose McGowan was something I was all about…even in her 40s…she’s looking’ bangin’. Goodtimes…even when she yells at me on Facebook…for being an asshole…but then again, I generally like girls who hate me an find me a disgusting human…
WTF?! Lady Gaga Fans Protest Madonna’s GLAAD Award Appearance Via HuffingtonPost There’s no end in sight for the longstanding Madonna-Lady Gaga feud — at least as far as their fans are concerned. Now a pack of “Little Monsters” are petitioning the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), requesting that Madonna not be allowed to present Anderson Cooper with the prestigious Vito Russo Award at the March 16 ceremony in New York. Deeming GLAAD’s decision to tap the Material Girl “an insult to a true gay rights activist like Lady Gaga,” the Gaga fan blog Little Monster Artpop make an even more heinous suggestion, labeling Madge “one of the major reasons for AIDS.” “Back in the 1980′s, she encouraged gay men to have unprotected sex,” they write. “While she certainly didn’t start the disease, she and her lack of morals helped it spread.” If GLAAD officials don’t rethink their choice of having Madonna as a presenter, the group has vowed to “strike back” in an unspecified way in their letter. The post seems to ignore the fact that Madonna has always been a major supporter of HIV/AIDS research, even dedicating proceeds from numerous concerts to AIDS-related charities since the mid-1980s. It’s one thing to not life Madge, but to blame her for spreading AIDS amongst gay men, that’s pretty low-down. Image via WENN
In response to the recent economic downturn, the US government has lent a helping hand to numerous homegrown industries. But most people laughed off Hustler founder Larry Flint’s bid for a porn industry bailout. While such a bailout would’ve proven politically disastrous, the industry is indeed experiencing desperate times. DVD sales have dropped 30% and pay-per-view sales are down 50% since the mid-2000s.… added by: theblogismine
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Okay, I have been a loyal listener to the Stern show since the mid 1990s. I have seen Stern’s cast of co-workers grow immensely in the last 15 years…and that is not only always a good thing. So I wanted to compile a list of the Stern staffers that annoy me the most…starting with the most annoying first: 1. SCOTT DEPACE 2. DOUG GOODSTEIN 3. JD HARMEYER 4. WILL MURRAY 5. SAL THE STOCKBROKER The only one I met personally from my list is Sal. Sal is a funny guy, but definitely not the type of guy I would like to have a conversation with. Who annoys you from the show???
While this rumor is supposedly not entirely new, and we do not really believe it, we’re The Hollywood Gossip , so if we don’t tell you when we hear about Michael Jackson supposedly having a secret son, then we’re just slacking off. Omer Bhatti is this person’s name. This is a picture of him: Omer Bhatti in his early 20s and hails from Norway