Tag Archives: gone-the-route

Vagina Knitting is Pretty Insane of the Day

The best hobby of the year goes to this freakshow and her vagina knitting…not because she’s hot or what she does is compelling, but because she can’t be fucking serious and if she is serious, that makes her amazing. I posted this on Facebook and some of the homies were into the Menstrual Scarf…but I had my mind set on yeast infection socks… But like all things lesbian, vaginal and feminist, there’s little room for dudes in this, so that’s why I’m starting “Asshole Knitting”…where we do things our own shit covered way…smelling like a Japanese scat pornstar…everywhere we go…or wherever our knitted tea cozy, throw blanket or sweater and hat set go. I’m thinking about teaching this at Old Folks homes.

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Vagina Knitting is Pretty Insane of the Day

Rose McGowan is Naked in Some Student Film Shit of the Day

Wild Rose on Nowness.com Rose McGowan is awesome… I’m not just saying that because she’s got awesome tits…or maybe I am…but I am saying it because she’s got awesome tits…I mean I am sure there is more to her than awesome tits…like she’s definitely got more to offer the world than just her tits…she’s had an interesting life with interesting stories…there are more than just tits to this babe…but we don’t need to focus on that….not here, not now… Rose McGowan is naked in this video for NOWNESS…that reminds me of a shitty college film I would have made, you know any excuse to get the babe naked, fuck I’ll make it black and white, I’ll set wind, I’ll even find a meadow with birds chirping…it’s just formulaic and not high enough a concept for me…however..Rose McGowan is naked in it..and ever since the mid-90s…when I saw Doom Generation…Rose McGowan was something I was all about…even in her 40s…she’s looking’ bangin’. Goodtimes…even when she yells at me on Facebook…for being an asshole…but then again, I generally like girls who hate me an find me a disgusting human…

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Rose McGowan is Naked in Some Student Film Shit of the Day

Chantelle Houghton is the UK Thanksgiving Turkey of the Day

You probably don’t know who CHANTELLE HOUGHTON …but she was a “Glamour” model…and now she’s doing her best thanksgiving turkey impressions…or maybe this is a Kate Upton modelling impression… Either way, this plus sized model, fat chicks being celebrated shit has gone too far…keep the fat in your house eating ice cream alone crying…not showing off her gut in the most offensive of workout outfits.. Even if she has not dignity…and even if she’s a whore with no self respect…she should have the decency to be in some serious SPANX and not this… However, for some weird reason…I call attention craving she’s doing it…and in some weirder situation…I am thankful for whatever is going on here not because I like fat chicks ever, or because I like fat girls working out, trying to not be fat chicks, but because I hope it inspires some of you girls to not over-eat this thanksgiving…cuz fat is disgusting and I’d hate for you to get all Kate Upton unnecessarily…skinny and fit is beautiful…this is not… The best thing about these pics is that they look like someone screamed “Free Cake” and bitch is running to get it…hilarious TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Chantelle Houghton is the UK Thanksgiving Turkey of the Day

Chantelle Houghton is the UK Thanksgiving Turkey of the Day

You probably don’t know who CHANTELLE HOUGHTON …but she was a “Glamour” model…and now she’s doing her best thanksgiving turkey impressions…or maybe this is a Kate Upton modelling impression… Either way, this plus sized model, fat chicks being celebrated shit has gone too far…keep the fat in your house eating ice cream alone crying…not showing off her gut in the most offensive of workout outfits.. Even if she has not dignity…and even if she’s a whore with no self respect…she should have the decency to be in some serious SPANX and not this… However, for some weird reason…I call attention craving she’s doing it…and in some weirder situation…I am thankful for whatever is going on here not because I like fat chicks ever, or because I like fat girls working out, trying to not be fat chicks, but because I hope it inspires some of you girls to not over-eat this thanksgiving…cuz fat is disgusting and I’d hate for you to get all Kate Upton unnecessarily…skinny and fit is beautiful…this is not… The best thing about these pics is that they look like someone screamed “Free Cake” and bitch is running to get it…hilarious TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

Chantelle Houghton is the UK Thanksgiving Turkey of the Day

Nina Agdal Bikinis in Barbados with a Dude of the Day

I am convinced that not only does Nina Agdal still smell like Adam Levine’s sperm that he accidentally spilled on her when taking a break from his fiancé who is some other model…. I am also convinced that she is a full retard who happened to luck out in the body department because everyone has something to offer…even full retards in the home…whether it is sex they can’t tell on you for…or cheap labor…or a hot body…or even a drooly mouth to stick your dick in…while they play with rocks in the corner… I’m hoping this new possibly gay dude, who is possibly her boyfriend or handler has a lot of money, because that SI caliber swimsuit model body she’s been milking…is gone the route of other SI girls…like Kate Upton because SI has no fucking taste and choose the worst girls ever…as Nina Agdal’s body is hardly as hot as it was, not that it’s getting all fat thighed and dumpy assed and shit…because I guess she assumes that’s what people want… Bitch needs to get her squats on! TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Nina Agdal Bikinis in Barbados with a Dude of the Day

Nina Agdal Bikinis in Barbados with a Dude of the Day

I am convinced that not only does Nina Agdal still smell like Adam Levine’s sperm that he accidentally spilled on her when taking a break from his fiancé who is some other model…. I am also convinced that she is a full retard who happened to luck out in the body department because everyone has something to offer…even full retards in the home…whether it is sex they can’t tell on you for…or cheap labor…or a hot body…or even a drooly mouth to stick your dick in…while they play with rocks in the corner… I’m hoping this new possibly gay dude, who is possibly her boyfriend or handler has a lot of money, because that SI caliber swimsuit model body she’s been milking…is gone the route of other SI girls…like Kate Upton because SI has no fucking taste and choose the worst girls ever…as Nina Agdal’s body is hardly as hot as it was, not that it’s getting all fat thighed and dumpy assed and shit…because I guess she assumes that’s what people want… Bitch needs to get her squats on! TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Nina Agdal Bikinis in Barbados with a Dude of the Day

Latin Singer Doesn’t Like Apologies of the Day

Here’s a valuable life lesson. Never apologize, especially not to a girl, because girls hold grudges and are totally irrational…so they won’t take your apology seriously, and if anything it will bring up all their hatred for you and turn them against you when otherwise they would probably just be cool about shit… An apology is a reminder…and a reminder gets you slapped. No more apologies…

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Latin Singer Doesn’t Like Apologies of the Day

Izabel Goulart is Awesome on Instagram of the Day

Izabel Goulart is really good at Instagram…from her killer fucking bikini body…to her fitness…I think I may be in love…I think this is the Brazilian object of my desire, who I want to sing love songs to and romance into the next great American love story, one that movies will be based on…movies like “ASS RIMMING 19 – ENTER THE BRAZILIAN DRAGON”…not that I know if Brazil even has dragons, but you get what I’m saying, and that is that I’ve never felt a love like this before…that I cherish this love…and that I’ve learned to love again…because he’s fucking amazing…roses and rim jobs and marriage people…that’s all I see.

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Izabel Goulart is Awesome on Instagram of the Day

Kelly Brook’s Vacation Bikini Action Continues of the Day

Kelly Brook posted this video of her chunky body in a bikini in Greece on Vacation, because her life isn’t a fucking vacation, she works so hard standing around half naked 4 days a month people, that’s the kind of shit that can burn you out…you know those rough going to lunch meetings with your business managers and clearly not watching what you eat….you lazy fucking hooker…. I guess at 7 am, when all you idiots are getting up and ready for your day, this kind of “hey, I show my tits for a living, I’m in a bikini on a yacht” shit, is a real wake-up call, to get you to take your fucking shirt off, cuz if you’re girl you got tits too, why are you fucking failing…cuz you don’t want to upset your dad…you prude bitch… That said, feel free to use me as a testing ground, cuz getting nudes, I’m talking to you random snapchat girl, is the highlight of my day, even if I only get 5 seconds to try to jerk off to them…snapchats….

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Kelly Brook’s Vacation Bikini Action Continues of the Day

Chrissy Teigen for Beachbunny Bride of the Day

Sports Illustrated model, Chrissy Teigen who I may or may not think deserves to be in Sports Illustrated, because she’s gone the route of Kate Upton, and is a little fuckin thick…you know from all her food blog eating…but then I am reminded that Sports Illustrated likes their women doughy and untoned, because doughy and untoned comes with natural titties…and since I don’t really handle their casting, but I should, I’ll just stare at the bikinis, whether I am that into the bitch or not… Well, she’s gone the route of Kate Upton, and other SI Models, and is now doing some spokesperson shit for some company that is probably owned by the wife of someone at SI..Beachbunny…and the fascinating thing is that she’s doing the bridal collection…because no real bikini company is trashy enough unless they have some white bikinis that are not just perfect for destination beach weddings at the shitty 3 star all inclusive…but that are made just for that purpose…just don’t get your period in them… Now as much as I like naked bitches, Chrissy Teigen should just assume the role of rich wife to the rich music man who once modeled to land this life…sure she’s funny on the internet, like clown or comedian, and sure I like all girls in bikinis, even the fat ones, but there’s just something missing in her modeling…that something is what I call “wanting to lick her bikini so hard that it starts to melt off her, even though it is designed to last polluted salt water”….she just doesn’t do it for me…

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Chrissy Teigen for Beachbunny Bride of the Day