Bikini Girl Squats her Friend Awkward Shaped Water Spout Naked Man in the Street Tasered in the Police Station World’s Most Jacked Up Teeth Food Stamper of the Day Building Demo in China Gone Wrong Weird Sea Plane Car Therapist Massages Pussy to Increase Tightness Girl Feeds Cat’s Asshole The post Dude Licks Hairy Period Vagina and Anus in Some Cultural Ritual and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Her name is ANGELA WHITE ….and apparently she’s an Australian pornstar who has won an Xbiz award for her work. I didn’t bother looking up her porn, but based on the style of this “instagram” style, artistic nudes, it’s safe to say that she’s probably one of those feminist pornstars who thinks it’s empowering to get fucked on camera for men to jerk off to her, for whatever reason – I call attention seeking, they’ll call a higher purpose of owning your sexuality – when the truth is that in a world like ours, owning your sexuality when everything is sex is keeping it in your goddamn pants.. But we’ll just go with body positive fat chicks getting fucked being a progressive movement….because they have big tits… So many girls want to be pornstars now, it’s amazing, really all these fame seekers showing pussy for that fame…for someone who used to negotiate with girls for days or months to see their pussy – feels like a win for all of us… Keep politicizing, intellectualizing, rationalizing you being paid for sex. Owning the female “boss” space in the indusry that was dominated by slimy guidos before it became hip… She’s a sexual SUBJECT not a sexual OBJECT people. LOL. I dig it…and by it – i mean the huge tits. The post Angela White is the Australian Pornstar in “artistic” Istagram Nudes of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
You probably don’t know who CHANTELLE HOUGHTON …but she was a “Glamour” model…and now she’s doing her best thanksgiving turkey impressions…or maybe this is a Kate Upton modelling impression… Either way, this plus sized model, fat chicks being celebrated shit has gone too far…keep the fat in your house eating ice cream alone crying…not showing off her gut in the most offensive of workout outfits.. Even if she has not dignity…and even if she’s a whore with no self respect…she should have the decency to be in some serious SPANX and not this… However, for some weird reason…I call attention craving she’s doing it…and in some weirder situation…I am thankful for whatever is going on here not because I like fat chicks ever, or because I like fat girls working out, trying to not be fat chicks, but because I hope it inspires some of you girls to not over-eat this thanksgiving…cuz fat is disgusting and I’d hate for you to get all Kate Upton unnecessarily…skinny and fit is beautiful…this is not… The best thing about these pics is that they look like someone screamed “Free Cake” and bitch is running to get it…hilarious TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE
Schools in 19 states are weighing students and sending reports to their parents with their body mass index (BMI) and other measurements, reports say. Kids have started calling the reports “fat letters.” Fat Letters Many families and health experts have started pushing back against the reports -slash-fat letters, arguing they could damage the children’s self-esteem. Proponents say the practice is actually an effective progress report and a tool for establishing whether a student is healthy or unhealthy physically. A person’s BMI is calculated by dividing their weight by the square of their height, then applied to their age and gender and measured against peers. BMI is the primary measurement used to determine if a person is considered overweight and obese, a condition these 19 states are trying to reduce. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than one-third of children and adolescents are considered overweight or obese. These children are believed to at increased risk for a variety of health problems, including asthma, sleep apnea, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. None of which are good, obviously, but is it really a school’s place to call attention to it in this manner, evaluating BMI alongside students’ academic skills? Fat letters: Right or wrong? Right! If it helps anyone get healthier it’s worth it! Wrong! It’s not the schools’ place to do this! View Poll »