50 Cent Shares New Sire Photos Proud dad 50 Cent is sharing new photos of his adorable baby boy. The rapper who’s the father of Daphne Joy’s son Sire Jackson took to IG this weekend to post pictures of his baby boy wearing a shirt with baby North West’s scowl on it. It also included the caption; “My dad’s crazy. he said I get all his money so I can only date hot girls that have their own” leading many to believe that he one day wants his son to date Kimye’s daughter. He also previously shared a picture of him and Sire having some bonding time via Facetime. Precious. What do YOU think about 50 Cent’s Sire Jackson photos???
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Proud Papa Preciousness: 50 Cent Shares Photos Of Sire Jackson Rocking A North West T-Shirt