RACIST Ponds Cosmetic Commercial

Cosmetic companies make skin bleaching products to fulfill the ill-informed desire of some people that feel they need to pursue the euro-centric ideal of beauty by having white skin. There's been a documentary on Current where Jamaicans bleach their skin to which skin bleaching can cause skin cancer. It's even more outrageous that they have actual commercials that say if you have dark skin, you're not good enough. Embedded is only ONE of a whole series of commercials with a connected story of this dark skinned Indian women who apparently needs to keep using Pond's skin whitener to win back her man who was stolen from her by this lighter complexioned woman. Ridiculous. What's even worse is the fact that people follow this awful ideal. For example, in the Haitian earthquake disaster, the Thai government offered to send millions of skin creams to whiten the skin of Haitians cuz they're all “so dark” (if they paid for shipping) saying, “We noticed in the news that the Haitians are all very dark-skinned. This is surely one of the reasons they are living in poverty. With lighter skin they could be more successful.” http://www.rightsandwrongs.co.uk/asia/thailand/1514-thais-donate-whitening-skin-… added by: Aether_Vitae

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