Carrie Fishers Ashes Were Placed In A Prozac-Shaped Urn After Cremation The gag is … Carrie Fisher was known to have a have a unique sense of humor. She was also known as someone who was openly suffering with bipolar disorder. So it only make sense that upon her death, she be cremated and scooped into an urn…that is shaped like a Prozac pill. According to E!Online Carrie and her mother, Debbie Reynolds, were both laid to rest simultaneously at an Hollyweird Hills cemetery on Friday morning. At the funeral, Carrie’s brother Todd Fisher arrived carrying a huge white and green Prozac pill that held his sister’s ashes. Like we said, very fitting. Images via Splash/WENN
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Rest In Pills? Openly Bipolar Carrie Fisher Has Ashes Held In A Giant Prozac Replica Urn