Rev. Al Sharpton And The National Action Network Calls For A National Boycott Of Kanye West’s Confederate Flag Yeezus Apparel!

The good reverend would like a word with his Lord Yeezus. The Nation Action Network Calls For A Boycott For Confederate Flag Yeezus Merchandise Via EurWeb The National Action Network of Los Angeles, a leading national civil rights group founded by Rev. Al Sharpton calls for a national boycott of hip hop superstar Kanye West new clothing line featuring the confederate flag symbol. Why? “Kanye West already has several pieces of merchandise from his Yeezus tour that are emblazoned with the controversial Southern Cross at his tour store in Los Angeles. Our organization is determined to shut down that and any other store that decides to sell this merchandise. For African-Americans the confederate flag is symbolic of the hurt and pain of slavery in the South and the legacy it has left for those still living under those ideologies. When Kanye embraces and adorns this confederate flag, He also embraces the ignorance and racism that goes along with it.” I challenge Kanye West to create a clothing line of merchandise featuring swastikas if he’s sincere about his beliefs . But we all know Kanye doesn’t have the courage to do that. The Jewish community would run him out of town if he did and so should the African American community,” stated Najee Ali political director of the Los Angeles National Action Network. “Kanye West selling jackets with the Confederate flag on them is a disgrace and embarrassment. many of our ancestors were brutalized, kidnapped , raped, and murdered during slavery under this flag. Its inexcusable for West to be promoting and merchandising this flag. Were determined to boycott and shut down any other stores that attempt to sell this merchandise, stated Rev K.W. Tulloss President National Action Network Los Angeles. The Rev. Al Sharpton: “The Confederate flag symbolizes dehumanization, injustice and pain. It is a stark reminder of an era in our history that was defined by the abhorrent practice of slavery. And it is representative of a mentality that looked upon blacks as inferiors who needed to remain in the shackles of subservience.” Will any of YOU be joining Rev. Al and his posse of offended African-Americans in their boycott of Kanye Kardashian West? Image via Splash

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Rev. Al Sharpton And The National Action Network Calls For A National Boycott Of Kanye West’s Confederate Flag Yeezus Apparel!

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