Rihanna was accused of doing coke in a video that hit the internet the other day…she was really rolling a joint…some people got so excited for a scandal…when most of us know everyone does fucking drugs..and Rihanna of all people…is probably all about that shit.. That said….she was in a shirt..showing nipples…because unlike Angelina Jolie, who got her breasts removed…Rihanna has nipples…nipples she likes to show off because she’s just some island girl who came from nothing, probably worth over 100,000,000 dollars personally, and over a billion dollars as a brand…and from her 10,000 dollar a year household income she grew up in…that kind of money…gives you a bit of an ego…like “who gives a fuck”…she’s won…. Not that nipples are a bad thing, or a shocking thing to show off, but 10 years ago…they were a big deal..and destroyed the career of Janet Jackson and Tara Reid…we’ve just evolved as a people…to include nipple into “fashion”…that works for me…but not as well as it works for Rihanna… All this to say, I’m more into seeing her labia… The post Rihanna Has a Nipple of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Rihanna Has a Nipple of the Day