The best way to start the day, at least today…according to me, which isn’t saying much because I give the worst advice ever, and more importantly, I don’t really think things through, because if I did, I’d know that better ways to start the day include but aren’t limited to having sex, staring at tits, being on a beach, counting your money if you’re rich, cheating on your wife if you’re married, hearing someone you hate died, or is injured, or has had something bad happen to them..or better…finding out your gf had a miscarriage if she’s pregnant…so if I think about it, this is not the best way to start the day, but it’s nice to see store owners get their way with robbers….via a baseball bat…cuz let’s face it…the robbers deserve worse for fucking up the streets and makin’ them unsafe…
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Robbery of the Day
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