Tag Archives: baseball-bat

What’s Life Like In Lagos: A Day In The Life Of Lagos, Nigeria!

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What’s Life Like In Lagos: A Day In The Life Of Lagos, Nigeria!

Police On The Hunt For Vicious Attacker Who Beat A Guy With A Bat And Stabbed Him Up [Video]

A gang of five assailants after a piece of jewelry beat a stranger with a baseball bat and stabbed him several times during an attack on a Bronx street, police said Monday.

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Police On The Hunt For Vicious Attacker Who Beat A Guy With A Bat And Stabbed Him Up [Video]

August Alsina Postpones Date After Stage Fall

August Alsina postponed a date in Cincinnati on Tuesday night after appearing to faint and then falling off the stage at a show in New York on Monday.

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August Alsina Postpones Date After Stage Fall

Bryan Cranston’s Major League Baseball Play Is A Grand Slam

The ‘Breaking Bad’ Emmy winner puts on pinstripes and wields a baseball bat in a glorious commercial for TBS’ upcoming MLB playoff coverage.

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Bryan Cranston’s Major League Baseball Play Is A Grand Slam

Sinkhole and Other VIdeos of the DAy

Watching a sinkhole is boring as fuck…it’s like punching a guy with a baseball bat… Or Richard Simmons being Death Metal Homo… Post by Richard Simmons . Or the Anti Public Urination Tanker in India Or the girl riding the sex toy for Charity… Or some breakdancing Buddhist monks…

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Sinkhole and Other VIdeos of the DAy

Robbery of the Day

The best way to start the day, at least today…according to me, which isn’t saying much because I give the worst advice ever, and more importantly, I don’t really think things through, because if I did, I’d know that better ways to start the day include but aren’t limited to having sex, staring at tits, being on a beach, counting your money if you’re rich, cheating on your wife if you’re married, hearing someone you hate died, or is injured, or has had something bad happen to them..or better…finding out your gf had a miscarriage if she’s pregnant…so if I think about it, this is not the best way to start the day, but it’s nice to see store owners get their way with robbers….via a baseball bat…cuz let’s face it…the robbers deserve worse for fucking up the streets and makin’ them unsafe…

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Robbery of the Day

Robbery of the Day

The best way to start the day, at least today…according to me, which isn’t saying much because I give the worst advice ever, and more importantly, I don’t really think things through, because if I did, I’d know that better ways to start the day include but aren’t limited to having sex, staring at tits, being on a beach, counting your money if you’re rich, cheating on your wife if you’re married, hearing someone you hate died, or is injured, or has had something bad happen to them..or better…finding out your gf had a miscarriage if she’s pregnant…so if I think about it, this is not the best way to start the day, but it’s nice to see store owners get their way with robbers….via a baseball bat…cuz let’s face it…the robbers deserve worse for fucking up the streets and makin’ them unsafe…

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Robbery of the Day

Get Yo Thug On: Mom Popped By One-Time After Giving Man That Work With A Baseball Bat For Selling Drugs To Her Son

Some mothers take their sons to rehab. This mother said phuck that I’m whooping that a**. Mom Beats Up Son’s Drug Dealer According to River Front Times “She did what any good mother would do.” So says the attorney of Sherrie Gavan, a 54-year-old Jefferson County mother who was convicted this week of third-degree assault for attacking a 22-year-old man with a baseball bat. What was her motive? She said the man was her son’s drug dealer — and had contributed to his drug addiction. Her explanation, however, apparently did not convince a jury the way she hoped it would. Check out her firsthand account of the incident below. Here’s a Post-Dispatch interview in which Gavan explains the events leading up to the assault. “My mother’s instinct took over,” she told the paper. “I was scared. I was paranoid. I did not know what was going on.” The confrontation occurred, she said, after she had warned Joshua Loyd, the 22-year-old who had apparently done drugs with Gavan’s son, now nineteen, to stay away. But Assistant Jefferson County Prosecutor Jacob Costello made the argument to jurors that she broke the law, regardless of the circumstances, the P-D reports. “This case is not about whether Mrs. Gavan is a good parent. You can’t take matters into your own hands like that…. She made a choice to pull out the baseball bat.” The mother told the paper, “I don’t know what happens from here. I just know you can’t protect your child anymore.” A sentencing hearing is scheduled for June 4. Do you think she was right for giving that shady drug dealer that work or is she out-of-order? Shutterstock

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Get Yo Thug On: Mom Popped By One-Time After Giving Man That Work With A Baseball Bat For Selling Drugs To Her Son

Kate Upton’s Soft Spandex Breasts

This is the second time I’ve got pictures of busty supermodel Kate Upton out and about in her weak disguise. A baseball bat and sunglasses? Please. I’ve got to say that for a supermodel she’s looking a little soft around the edges. I mean, I know she’s got some big breasts on her and that can sometimes make a woman look a little larger than she really is, but I don’t know. I guess the jiggle is what makes her so special. Jump up and down for us.

VIDEO: Researchers Create Fully Functional Terminator Hand

Today in science catching up with science-fiction: German researchers have constructed a fully functional terminator hand. As the video demonstrates, this robot hand can emerge from baseball bat assaults totally unscathed, just like real terminators. My question: Why we are seeing more progress in the creation of machines that are supposed to wipe out humans rather than say, curing cancer? Anyway, the video of the creepy, moving robot fingers getting hit by bats is after the jump. How many years until we get the full T-100? Place your bets!

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VIDEO: Researchers Create Fully Functional Terminator Hand