Sara Sampaio’s Sexy Cleavage Show

Here’s one of my favorite new Victoria’s Secret hotties Sara Sampaio at the Age of Adaline premiere in New York. And now that Sara’s landing Carl’s Jr. ads and getting invited to movie premieres, it looks like I officially missed my chance with the smoking hot model. OK, so fine, I didn’t have much of a shot even when she wasn’t a household name, but 0.0000000001% is still better than nothing. Photos:

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Sara Sampaio’s Sexy Cleavage Show

Here’s one of my favorite new Victoria’s Secret hotties Sara Sampaio at the Age of Adaline premiere in New York. And now that Sara’s landing Carl’s Jr. ads and getting invited to movie premieres, it looks like I officially missed my chance with the smoking hot model. OK, so fine, I didn’t have much of a shot even when she wasn’t a household name, but 0.0000000001% is still better than nothing. Photos:

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