Sara Underwood Yoga of the Day

Sara Underwood does Yoga because she’s got very little else going on for her…that’s what happens when you let Seacrest pretend to fuck you to get on a TV show that gets cancelled after whoring your body out to Playboy at 18 to get in this position in the first place…you decompress and try to find purpose through Yoga…I get it Sara Jean you fake titty trash….remember there’s always stripping…even though she thinks she’s above that…like most of these prostitutes do…even though they are way worse than any stripper I know when it comes to selling their souls and dignity….here are the pics…of her being zen…

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Sara Underwood Yoga of the Day

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Sara Underwood Yoga of the Day

Sara Underwood does Yoga because she’s got very little else going on for her…that’s what happens when you let Seacrest pretend to fuck you to get on a TV show that gets cancelled after whoring your body out to Playboy at 18 to get in this position in the first place…you decompress and try to find purpose through Yoga…I get it Sara Jean you fake titty trash….remember there’s always stripping…even though she thinks she’s above that…like most of these prostitutes do…even though they are way worse than any stripper I know when it comes to selling their souls and dignity….here are the pics…of her being zen…

See the rest here:
Sara Underwood Yoga of the Day

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