At about 6pm the office of Scott Brown, the new Republican Senator from Massachusetts, put out a short press release saying he would be voting with the Democrats on a $15 billion (£9.7 billion) job creation Bill heavily promoted by President Obama. Two veteran Republican Senators went in search of Mr Brown and tried to change his mind. They failed. He took his newcomer’s seat in the back of the Senate chamber and waited for Senator Harry Reid, a Democrat, to finish his pitch for the jobs Bill with a ritual taunt of Republicans who he assumed were “looking for ways not to vote for this”. Mr Brown then confounded Mr Reid by voting “yes” and told the instant throng of reporters that gathered round him as he emerged from the chamber: “I’m not from round here. I’m from Massachusetts”. What? The guy that the both the Republicans and teabaggers claim is a game changer and indicates the end of the Democratic party has voted with the Dems? Quick somebody check to see if Rush Limbaugh’s head has exploded (But then again how could we tell?) Un-surprisingly some of Brown’s more…shall we say….excitable supporters were very, very perturbed. This from Huffington Post . Over at Scott Brown’s Facebook page, the mood is much the same, probably because David Broder hasn’t written a column yet telling America that the jobs in this jobs bill are so much more awesome than the jobs that came before them because they are “bipartisan.” Some of Brown’s fans are giving him some support, but the lion’s share of comments read like “LYING LOW LIFE SCUM HYPOCRITE!” and “What a bummer dude. We didn’t need another Olympia Snowe,” and “BROWN, YOU JUST REMEMBER YOU DOUCHEBAG…WE ARE WATCHING YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! AND YOU FAILED AT THE FIRST CHANCE…YOU SCUM SUCKING ASS!!! GUESS MY 10-15 HOUR WORK DAYS WILL HELP PAY FOR THIS TOTAL BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!” Wow! And I thought people were pretty mad at ME yesterday! What I got was nothing compared to the vitriol aimed in this poor bastard’s direction. Well you know what comes next don’t you Senator Brown? Oh yes you do! You just wait until Sarah Palin can get that lazy Facebook ghostwriter back on the job, then my friend you are in for such a Facebook ass kicking you will not be able to walk straight for a month! Well that is if she and Todd can stop stressing about the Trig ear problem for a few minutes that is.
The rest is here:
Sarah Palin’s favorite teabagger centerfold has decided that he wants to vote with the Democrats. Do you think that will be a problem?