I posted the above pic of Scarlett Johansson’s overrated ass in a bikini all 30 years old, divorced and sloppy….pretty much blaming marketing for tricking us into thinking she’s hot….or a sex symbol…or whatever you want to call the foundation of her career that has got her raspy voice, shit acting, attention…. Well today the BIKINI PICTURES CONTINUE only she’s was smart enough to wear shorts this time…I’m not allowed to post the new pictures cuz this dude who runs the paparazzi agency that owns them wants to sue me…or may be trying to sue me…so I’d rather just link the shit…not to mention it is Scarlett Johansson, a serious has been wwho never should have been, who needs to step back and live off her fortune she made of the snake oil sex appeal she sold us…. TO SEE THE FAT ASS BIKINI PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK
See original here:
Scarlett Johansson’s Hiding her Cellulite of the Day