Tag Archives: post-the-new

Ashley Tisdale Panty Upskirt of the Day

I dont’ know when these classic Ashley TIsdale getting out of car flash your white panties to divert from your weak chin and busted up face….but I’m glad they happened. That’s all I really have to say about this Tisdale bitch, I mean I’ve probably done hundreds of posts on her – from ugly watch to her bikini fit body…and what I think just doesn’t matter…the ultimate truth is that despite all that sucks about her, I’d love to wear her labia as ear muffs…if you know what I mean….which you do…snorting clit like it was coke and I was Whitney Houston…

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Ashley Tisdale Panty Upskirt of the Day

Scarlett Johansson’s Hiding her Cellulite of the Day

I posted the above pic of Scarlett Johansson’s overrated ass in a bikini all 30 years old, divorced and sloppy….pretty much blaming marketing for tricking us into thinking she’s hot….or a sex symbol…or whatever you want to call the foundation of her career that has got her raspy voice, shit acting, attention…. Well today the BIKINI PICTURES CONTINUE only she’s was smart enough to wear shorts this time…I’m not allowed to post the new pictures cuz this dude who runs the paparazzi agency that owns them wants to sue me…or may be trying to sue me…so I’d rather just link the shit…not to mention it is Scarlett Johansson, a serious has been wwho never should have been, who needs to step back and live off her fortune she made of the snake oil sex appeal she sold us…. TO SEE THE FAT ASS BIKINI PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

See original here:
Scarlett Johansson’s Hiding her Cellulite of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens’ Titties Look Homeless In Period Stained Clothes of the Day

Homeless pussy is the best pussy. Low expectations…..most of the time it is medicated, confused or crazy, hungry and willing to do anything for a few bucks for its next fix….or even for a warm bed or meal….and if you can get past the urine and feces smells…or the fungal infections on genitals and asshole…you can find love, even for just an hour before she tries to kill you for being satan and steal your money cuz the voices in her head told her….which is better than being alone… I get Hudgens is really just rocking out JAP lazy style…even though as a Filipino you’d think she’d be more on the nanny to the JAP’s dressed like this cuz she is in hand me downs…cuz the actual jap would never wear pants she had her period in in public….but the maid’s family would…but she’s a big movie star…so she’s allowed and here are the tight shirt pics for you to love… Heres a bonus shot of her period stains…

Originally posted here:
Vanessa Hudgens’ Titties Look Homeless In Period Stained Clothes of the Day

Shauna Sand’s Whore Stack of Money of the Day

Here is Shauna Sand hanging out with her old lady stripper body, stupid fake its, and a stack of money she got from either making porn with male prostitutes she staged as being leaked in hopes of getting a bit of a career going like she was a Kardashian 10 years too late , savings from doing nude photoshoots over 2 decades ago, escorting cuz that’s what people who look like this normally do, all plastic and scary and willing to fuck…despite how scary their vaginas look….or alimony from her ex husband Lorenzo Lamas… Her hair less blonde…a lot more sublte, maybe she’s officially society and not the spic trash we all assumed she was…..but I know classy, toned down or not, her vagina is probably just as dead… I’ve been keeping tabs on her for a long time …I even had the EXCLUSIVE on her Sex Tape ….and I think these pics are a glorious addition to my Shauna Sand archives…She’s amazing now BUY THE SEX TAPE – IT IS WORTH IT …..

Originally posted here:
Shauna Sand’s Whore Stack of Money of the Day

Adrianne Curry’s 2005 TItties of the Day

I hate this attention seeking bitch as much as I can hate any attention seeking bitch who is willing to get naked for that attention…. I’m blocked from her twitter feed because she hates me and we had a fight once…but it works out well for me becuase I reading her nonsense is offensive and more importantly depressing…and the fact that I would be following her, like I am interested in her, would likely lead me to suicide, since I’ve already done the hard drinking route…. Either way, she allegedly released this topless pic and this is what the caption read: 300k! my boobs are a bit..bigger nowadays, but this was on vaca few years ago. Maybe 500k I’ll post the new puppies I don’t know how authentic this is, cuz I can’t waste more time on the bitch….but I’m posting it anyway…cuz her shopping titty pics around for twitter followers or cash is hilarious…..but tits are tits….especially when they are on a bitch trying to get noticed by showing them in the most basic of publciity stunts…which is odd for someone not promoting anything..but tits are tits.

See the article here:
Adrianne Curry’s 2005 TItties of the Day