Tag Archives: fungal

Vanessa Hudgens’ Titties Look Homeless In Period Stained Clothes of the Day

Homeless pussy is the best pussy. Low expectations…..most of the time it is medicated, confused or crazy, hungry and willing to do anything for a few bucks for its next fix….or even for a warm bed or meal….and if you can get past the urine and feces smells…or the fungal infections on genitals and asshole…you can find love, even for just an hour before she tries to kill you for being satan and steal your money cuz the voices in her head told her….which is better than being alone… I get Hudgens is really just rocking out JAP lazy style…even though as a Filipino you’d think she’d be more on the nanny to the JAP’s dressed like this cuz she is in hand me downs…cuz the actual jap would never wear pants she had her period in in public….but the maid’s family would…but she’s a big movie star…so she’s allowed and here are the tight shirt pics for you to love… Heres a bonus shot of her period stains…

Originally posted here:
Vanessa Hudgens’ Titties Look Homeless In Period Stained Clothes of the Day

Trying To Look up Elle Macpherson’s Skirt of the Day

I don’t know why Elle Macpherson is on a bed posing with bras but I am not as excited about it as I was in 1988 when she was showing off her nipples in the SI Swimsuit video back in a time when she was way more eager to get noticed, now bitch is all jacked up with support pantyhose and spanx and whatever else is containing her mom pussy to make sure it doesn’t sneak ot of her skirt as mom pussies tend to do when they are let out to play…but at least she gave us a glimpse of what could have been or maybe of what once was….and I’ve spent the last 10 mintues lookin’ at these pictures trying to see up her skirt but it’s been a serious waste of time….but I figured you’re just a bored as I am so I’m giving you something to do with your useless self. Giving you purpose

See the original post:
Trying To Look up Elle Macpherson’s Skirt of the Day

Amy Winehouse Makes Sex Faces of the Day

Here are some pictures of Amy Winehouse showing off a quarter tit and she’s making some serious sex faces, but then again, Amy Winehouse is always making sex faces, and as long as she doesn’t chew off her face in some kind of her drug binge, will always have sex faces, because her face is the embodiment of sex. You see, I have a thing for rotting pussy, it’s kinda all I know, so whenever it comes along whether in video, in picture, or on the street corner willing to suck me off for a couple bucks because the vagina is out of order or closed for renovations as the scabies, herpes and other fungal infections clear up, my clit shaped penis gets moist and starts tap dancing…so Amy Winehouse is a nice change from all the plastic pussy in Hollywood, cuz as I’m sure you know, plastic pussy makes you feel pathetic and alone….w Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Amy Winehouse Makes Sex Faces of the Day