Source: Charliemagne Unggay / EyeEm / Getty Weed Smoker Finds Tiger In Abandoned Houston House Sometimes it’s safer to just smoke at the crib. YOUR crib. SMH. A Houston pothead learned this lesson in the most unexpected and terrifying way possible. The story, according to ABC13 , goes as follows… “A concerned citizen called 311. They were trying to get into this house to smoke marijuana. We questioned them as to whether they were under the effects of the drugs or they actually saw a tiger. They saw a tiger in this building, this vacant house that’s obviously been abandoned for some time,” said Sgt. Jason Alderete, of HPD’s Major Offenders, Livestock Animal Cruelty Unit. Asking the “concerned citizen” was he high and did he imagine the tiger is funny AF. When authorities found the 350-pound animal she was in a cage far too small for her and there were several packages of meat strewn around. Handlers tranquilized her and got the tiger out the deplorable conditions, she will soon be transferred to a facility equipped to deal with exotic animals. Can you imagine you go to fie up a blunt and you see Shere Khan sitting in the corner!
Read more here:
Shook Ones: Houston Weed Smoker Finds A Tiger Inside The Bando Where He Went To Blow A Bag