Calling all Steven Soderbergh fans and movie-loving hypochondriacs . Time to cue up Pink’s “Just Like A Pill” on Spotify and get your haiku mojo working. Movieline will give away a Side Effects poster signed by cast members Rooney Mara , Channing Tatum , Jude Law , Vinessa Shaw and Dr. Sasha Bardey to the armchair bard who, in our opinion, writes the most addictive haiku inspired by his or her favorite pharmaceutical or the movie itself. Here are the rules: Submit an original haiku (using the 5-7-5 format) inspired by Side Effects or the prescription — as in legal — drug of your choice, in the comments section below. The contest is open to ages 18 and up and the winner must be a U.S. resident. Deadline for entries is noon Pacific Standard Time on Feb. 20. Now, get popping. We’re expecting lots of odes to Adderall. And for additional inspiration, here’s the Side Effects guerrilla marketing Ablixa video. Side Effects opens nationwide on Feb. 8
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‘Side Effects’ Contest: Win A Poster Signed By Cast Members With An Ode To Your Fave Pharmaceutical